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three people sitting in front of table laughing together
Professional Development 

We provide formal professional development both in-person and virtually.  We provide custom presentations tailored to your needs. All presentations are hands-on and engaging.

man in gray polo shirt and brown pants holding red metal bar
 Instructional Coaching

Too often schools rely on an SEL curriculum or software, but that is just one piece of being a socially and emotionally healthy campus. Not only do we provide school staff with strategies, but we check in regularly, individually and in groups, to make sure that staff feel equipped and supported 

MTSS Consulting 

SEL is the missing link to filling the behavior + academic gap. Our approach utilizes SEL to build a strong academic foundation, as well as, an intervention for both instruction and behavior management. Talk to us about building or strengthening your MTSS tools.  

Affiliations & Memberships

I serve as a member or on the executive board of the following organizations.